Could be a reality at the end of summer or sooner.
As you know, the situation changes every week, although the number are 36.4 active cases of Covid-19 per 100.000 people, today i not possible to travel to Indonesia in a regular situation.
We can see post in social media these days where a few privileged surfers are enjoying Mentawai spots. The reality in other countries are allowed to travel because the Covid-19 situation is better or could be another option, with money in your pocket everything is possible… 😉
Each country has his own travel restrictions and may changes from one day to the next depending on the cases incidence. We know that could be difficult to plan your trip, so bellow you can find the information that you must take in consideration. Traveller coming from Spain will not have permission to enter in Indonesia, if you have one of the documents that allow you to enter the country, you will have to follow a protocol.
Going back to the permits, these are:
-Diplomatic visa
-Official ministerial visits or higher visas
-Resident Permit (kitas, Kitap)
-Business visa
-Air crew
The quarantine requirements traveller from Spain will be quarantined for 5 days arrivals and will be escorted to the hotel suggested by the Indonesia government. They must also do 2 more tests for Cov-19 that will be paid by the traveller. This is what we know today but the good vaccination rate looks like we are going to meet you sooner that we think .